- Ability to do research
- Adhere to ethical principles
- Be socially responsible and humane
- Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations
- Ability to plan and manage time efficiently
- Be a life-long learner
- Acquire problem solving capacity
- Ability to make reasoned decisions
- Have good interpersonal skills
- Appreciate and respect diversity and multiculturalism
- Ability to manage crisis effectively
- Act within the legal framework
- Demonstrate environmental and economic consciousness
- Ability to communicate effectively
- Ability to work as a team
- Demonstrate higher order thinking skills (analytical, critical, abstract, creative)
- Be a reflective practitioner
- Be innovative
- Ability to work independently in a responsible manner
- Possess self-confidence and entrepreneurial spirit
- Be adaptable to emerging trends
- Practice professionalism
- Promote and ensure equal opportunities including gender issues
- Adhere to and enhance quality standards
- Demonstrate leadership qualities
- Ability to use available resources optimally and efficiently
- Ability to manage stress and maintain emotional stability
- Have organizational and managerial skills
- Be motivated for self-learning
- Be goal-oriented